Saturday 21 April 2018

My Opinion About a Case Application

Hi readers, its been a long time since i wrote my last blog, isn't it? So today, i would like to talk about a case application. look the question below..

1. Jack uses his credit card for almost all purchases. He charges gas purchases, clothing, food, and other living expenses. What is your opinion of this money management habit?

okay, now i will answer my thoughts, 
For me personally, i think it's okay to use credit cards to buy something, we can use the card as a budgeting tool. we can see exactly how much we have spent at the end of month. but you only can do this if you can pay off your balance for sure. 
But if Jack used it for almost all purchases, it's quiet danger because we should use it wisely, we should use the card for needs, not wants.Cause if you don't, you will be in trouble to pay them off. , and remember to never skip your payment, if you do then you will have a negative impact to your credits card. 

i think that's all about my opinion.. thanks for reading this. Stay tune!